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Response History
Response History

How to see previous responses from a utility

Updated over 7 months ago

Sometimes the utility’s response on a ticket is wrong or doesn’t reflect field conditions. In some instances:

  • A utility may not have responded within the 811 system and instead the locator called or emailed a result directly

  • Sometimes the utility or locator provides an incorrect response (it can happen)

  • Sometimes the utility or locator will indicate that a location has been performed, but what they really did was indicate with paint that there is in fact no conflict in the work area

For these types of scenarios, 811spotter allows you to override the response to a new response that is more representative of the field conditions. (described further below.)

To check out the response history of a utility first find the ticket, click on the ticket number, then click on the Utilities tab. You will see a list of utilities related to the ticket. Click on the utility in question (in this example: City of Oakland with response missing)

You will see the Active Response information and member comments. To check the response history click on Response History:

A list of responses appears with the newest response listed at the top along with the date and revision number of the ticket.

811spotter allows the utility’s response to be overridden. You can override the utility response by clicking on Edit Response

Then click the "Please select" select the drop down

Choose the correct response from the drop down list. The list is longer than appears so use the drag bar to the right to see more options.

Finally, add a Note if necessary - for context as to why you are overriding the response.

Select the Save button to save your override changes.

The color associated to the utility will now match the color of the override you selected. This in turn will impact the Utility Safe To Dig icon color and in turn the color of the ticket's pin on the map.

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