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All about Jobs
Updated over 2 months ago

Job Management

Every Company has a list of jobs that needs to be managed. Those jobs are managed within two roles: a Company Admin and a Job Admin.

How do we discern between the two roles (Marc feedback for how to word this below?)

  1. Company Admin

    • Properties: Job Number, Job Title/Description, Account owner, Job Start, Job End (it's understood that these would be anticipated)

    • Jobs may be Added, Removed, Edited

  2. Job Admin - only Users with the Job Administrator can manage a list of jobs.

Users are assignable to jobs

There are two distinct job roles per job: a Job Participant and a Job Manager

Job Manager role

  • A Job Manager may add or remove users to the specific job and may assign other Job Managers to the specific job

  • The Job Manager role is optional within a job - meaning it is not necessary that the role is assigned

    • In the absence of this role assignment, only Company Administrator and Job Administrator roles may assign users to a job

Job Participant role

  • Any user that is the assigned Ticket Manager for at least 1 ticket that is assigned to a job shall be ghost assigned the Job Participant role

    • A company setting shall determine if this assignment is enforced or not

    • (May be an impact on the 'behalf of' role. This feature probably only makes sense for smaller orgs as it saves them a step of adding users to jobs)

    • Will need to visually distinguish between explicitly assigned Job Participants and those that are indirect via ticket manager role

  • A Job Participant is included in all outbound communication regarding any tickets assigned to the job

  • A user shall be able to view just 'their' tickets (the Ticket Manager Role), all job tickets (the Job Participant/Manager roles), or all company tickets (the Company Member role)

  • works similarly to the Ticket Management area

  • Jobs have an Edit dialog

  • user can create new jobs by the “Add Job” button on the top right

  • Jobs have their own attachments (separate from tickets)

  • Job have their own notes (separate from tickets)


Displays all the editable fields

[Switch to Ticket Manager view] takes the user to Ticket Manager area and fills in the search for the current job (so the user just sees this jobs tickets)


A User can choose to display all notes from assigned tickets. Additionally a new note can be added. Just add the note in the text box and click the "Add note" button. This adds the note to the list below.

Notes are displayed from newest to oldest as the example below shows:

The user can choose to check the "Include all ticket and ticket member notes" box - this ensures all notes related to that ticket as well as Utility members is visible.


Attachments are supplemental information about a job which may include maps, detailed photos of marks, or the job in progress - anything that gives context to the job. The User can view job-specific attachments, or show all attachments from all tickets (filter for just active tickets or all).

Each Attachment can be edited to include a description for quick reference. Just click on the "Description" button and the Edit Description Form opens up. Type in the description and then hit save.

Similar to Description Category can also be edited.

At the bottom of the form is an "Edit categories" button:

First select the attachment you wish to add a category to. If you don't see the correct category in the drop down list, you can create a new one. You can assign more than one category to an attachment.


The Ticket Tab shows all assigned tickets. The counter is green to give a hint that only the active tickets are counted in the counter

The user can toggle to display all tickets or just active tickets


The Jobs Tab - shows the jobs list. The list dialogue displays all active jobs as a default. At the bottom left of the form the user can choose how many jobs that are visible (set to 25 of 30 records are displayed currently).

Clicking on the down arrow allows the user to change the number of records to display. In the example, there are only 25 of 30 records showing. The other 5 records will display on page two. The user can change to displaying 50 records at once and all 30 would be shown on the list without having to view page 2.

Search Box

Beside the Active tickets box is the Search box

You may search for a specific ticket number, Job name, Job number and that ticket will be displayed or group of tickets (if there is more than one assigned to a job number)

Managing a list of Jobs (adding, editing, modifying, deleting)

Add New Jobs Tab

The User can add new jobs on the fly.

Click on the "Add job" tab

The following pop up form opens. The User can assign a job number then the Job Name, Status (Active) and phase of the job.

Phase refers the the stage the job is in, either New, Planning, Dig, or Completed.

Ticket required by Date

The Ticket Required by Date refers to when you create a job that you are expecting to start. If you expect that job to have a ticket, you would enter the job required by date. The two days before the job, 811 spotter would send you a reminder to start the 811 ticket process. The Ticket required by date is the precursor to the ticket process.

Extra Fields and Look-ups

All companies have 5 text fields and 2 lookup fields by default.These fields can contain any values and have no business rules.Managing the extra fields can be done by contacting an 811spotter admin who'll be happy to customize the company job fields.

Users shall be assignable to jobs

  • Two distinct job roles per job: Job Participant, Job Manager

  • A Job Manager may add or remove users to the specific job and may assign other Job Managers to the specific job

  • A Job Participant is included in all outbound communication regarding any tickets assigned to the job

  • The Job Manager role is optional within a job - meaning it is not necessary that the role is assigned

    • In the absence of this role assignment, only Company Administrator and Job Administrator roles may assign users to a job

  • Any user that is the assigned Ticket Manager for at least 1 ticket that is assigned to a job shall be ghost assigned the Job Participant role

    • A company setting shall determine if this assignment is enforced or not

    • (May be an impact on the 'behalf of' role. This feature probably only makes sense for smaller orgs as it saves them a step of adding users to jobs)

    • Will need to visually distinguish between explicitly assigned Job Participants and those that are indirect via ticket manager roles

  • A user shall be able to view just 'their' tickets (the Ticket Manager Role), all job tickets (the Job Participant/Manager roles), or all company tickets (the Company Member role)

Manage user list per job

  • Role: company_admin, job_admin, job_manager

  • Add/remove users as job_manager or job_participant roles

  • job_manager cannot remove themselves from the job (more of a to-be-safe requirement, not technical)

Add a ticket to a Job

  • Role: Anyone

  • Ticket Admin is automatically a Job Member (job_participant)

  • Secondary Actions: job_manager roles receive a report whenever a new ticket is added to their job

Remove a ticket's job

  • Role: Anyone

  • If the Ticket Admin doesn't have any other ticket's on the old job, and is not explicitly added to the job, they are removed as a Job Member

  • Secondary Actions: job_manager roles receive a report that ticket was removed from job (who did it, time, new job)

Ticket is completed/cancelled/archived/expired

  • Ticket Admin remains a job_participant role until the ticket lifecycle moves to either expired or cancelled

Add a new job (on the fly)

  • Role: Anyone

  • Done on the fly while adding a ticket (only admin roles can view all jobs and add from that list)

Add/Remove user from a Job

  • Role: company_admin, job_admin

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