To edit a job, ensure you are on the JOBS tab
Then click on the job you wish to edit. For the purposes of this example we are going to edit 2023 Capital Annex..
When this job is selected, the default tab called Details is highlighted showing name, status, Phase, Created at and Ticket required by. At the top right is the EDIT tab.
Click on the EDIT tab.
A new window opens with a number of fields to edit. The first section is MAIN. This is information about the job including Job Number, Job Name, Status, Client, Phase, and Ticket Required By Date.
The second section called Extra is an area where you can set choose the extra fields - these are three text fields and two look-up fields.
Once all of the fields have been edited, click SAVE.
If you are a Company Admin, you will be able to set up these fields in the Company set-up tab. See the following link for how to change the company settings for the Extra Lookups. You can view the article here: