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Safe to Dig?

What do the different color icons mean and when is it safe to dig?

Updated over 4 months ago

In ticket list view, there is a column called Safe to Dig? with three icons: a Ticket icon, a Member icon and a Field icon. See figure below.

The Ticket icon - represents the status of the call center ticket itself. The following figure shows the different ticket color conditions and what each color means

The Utility Icon - summarizes the status of all utility responses. The following figure shows the different utility condition and what each color means

The Field icon (hard hat) represents the operationally status out in the field.

The following figure shows the different field conditions and what each color means

In the example below the hard hat is Yellow representing that there are unverified field marks that need to be verified before it is safe to dig. Any utility that has unverified field marks will have a white flag to the left of their utility icon.

Ideally, it is safe to dig when all three icons are green. Any time the icons are yellow or red, either a utility still needs to respond, more information is needed or the marks in the field need to be verified. bjbj

Upon opening a ticket as in the example below, you will see a detailed look at the ticket including the lifecycle (expiration date), job, manager (person in charge of the ticket as well as a description. Below that are 4 (four) fields - the first is Utilities.

Utilities is a list of all of the utilities involved in the ticket requiring markings. This example shows five green, two yellow and one red utility responses. The green icons mean that the utility has responded and marked or that there are already adequate markings on site. Yellow means that either the utility hasn't marked or that the utility has not provided the 811 center with information to be displayed (as in the example).The red utility response indicates that further action is required before digging can proceed.

Also visible in the utilities list are three flags. In the example below Two are white. The white flags indicate that the locate utilities marked but that the marks (locates) have not yet been verified in the field. Green flags indicate that the locates have been verified in the field.

Once locates have been verified in the field, you can manually override by clicking on the box on the left of the utility which will activate the "Verify Mark" button. See example below:

A box opens asking if the marks are visible. You can then update the information regarding the marks based on new knowledge. As well you can add a field note about the update. Then click Verify.

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