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Ticket details

Opening and navigating the Ticket Form

Updated over 2 months ago

To open and use the ticket form, first go to your list of tickets. Find a specific ticket number either by searching for it in the search field by address, ticket number or job.

The ticket will then appear in the list based on your search.

Click on the ticket. A new window opens showing the ticket in more detail.

A quick tour of the ticket form below. The left side of the header shows the ticket number, revision renewal status automatic renewal) and ticket status (Active in this example). The right side has the "Close Ticket" button, email button, printer button and the arrow icon (hides the ticket form ESC).

Below the header are three icons that show safe to dig icons.

For a detailed look at the Icons you can visit the following link to a specific article:

At the footer of the page is the icon to go to the previous ticket, next ticket or close the current ticket.


This tab refers to all of the Call Centre information relating to the ticket. The first section shows the Lifecycle, Team, Job, User and Description. These are editable fields. To edit any of them just click on the box with the pencil icon and those fields can be updated. The lower section displays the non-editable fields - information from the 811 call center.

Near the top of the form there's a link where you can click and view the ticket in the call center.

Clicking on the "View ticket in call centre" link takes you to the actual ticket. In this example it takes the user to USA North call centre.

Here is an example of the Dig Alert call centre:


Utilities refers to the Utility for each ticket. In the ticket details there is a sub menu with 5 tabs: Utilities, Notes, Details, Location and Attachments.

The Utilities tab shows a list of utilities and their status: Each utility has a status (aka dig status) depending on their current positive response code - but this value can be overridden by the user.

Ticket Utilities and Responses

  • Not all utilities provide their responses through the call center. Some will call directly or send an email. When this happens you need to select the utility and override the listed response with the proper response.

  • Often a utility will just not respond to a ticket. You can still override to a clear state to indicate that you feel it is safe to proceed based on the information you currently have.

  • Different utility response codes correspond to green or red indicators.

In the example below is a list of utilities and response colour that indicates if it's safe to dig.

Green: indicates that it is all clear to dig from the utility's perspective.

Red: the utility has indicated that digging is not safe. Other actions are required.

Yellow: the utility has not responded.

Selecting one of the utilities opens up another window displaying the response, Member comments, marks visible" and facility color code. At the bottom is the Response History from the Utility, Contacts (phone numbers for the utility), Notes and Attachments. To exit the form just click "Close".

The Members icon

The member icon in the safe to dig indicators summarizes the status of all of the utility responses. If at least 1 utility status is red, the ticket safe-to-dig indicator is turned red. If there are no red, and at least 1 yellow (no response) then the indicator is yellow. Otherwise when all utility status icons are green, the member safe-to-dig indicator is green.


The contacts tab in the ticket form refers to a person involved in some way with the ticket - most commonly ticket locators.

Tickets may have their own list of contacts a company maintains - these are separate from the Utility Contacts provided by the call centre. These contacts are shared at the company level. If a contact has been entered on one ticket, it can then easily be referenced on another ticket. All contacts on a ticket are visible to everyone. Anyone in a company can edit a contact and once edited, the edit will be visible across all tickets.

To add a contact

To add a contact select the Add a contact button. The dialogue box below appears.

Select the create a new contact button.

Another dialogue box appears. Complete the form by adding the contacts name, email, mobile and office number. Additionally you can add the their organizations name, their role in the company and the are. Then click the create button to save.

To search for an existing contact

Select the add a contact tab. This dialogue box appears. in the top you can search for an existing contact using any field such as Name, phone number or company. If the contact exists it will appear in the search. If not, create a new contact.

Removing a contact

A contact can only be removed from a ticket if it is not referenced or tagged. If the contact is referenced by other tickets, the user will be alerted that the contact is not deleted, just removed from the ticket

If no other tickets reference the contact, the contact is simply removed.



The notes tab in the ticket form is an opportunity to add any additional information related to the ticket/job that might be useful. The notes will appear by date.


The location tab contains the location-specific fields associated to the selected 811 ticket. These fields are not editable from within 811spotter. However, they are searchable, making it very efficient to find a single ticket or group of tickets.

The location has a map with a ticket pin where the works being done. In this example above, the ticket pin in yellow and displays the Safe To Dig icon that is causing the pin to be yellow. This is a new feature.

Sometimes tickets may overlap exactly, making it difficult to select a specific ticket.

A ticket's pin may be moved by clicking the Move Pin button and then clicking or tapping within the location map where the pin should be moved to. Once the pin has been placed in the desired new spot, tape or click the Save button to make the move permanent.


The attachments tab is a feature that enables you to upload photos, links, maps, documents and videos that can support the ticket/job. Everything from site images of work being done, utility markings, site progress, maps, video or other documentation related to the ticket. See our article on Attachments for a detailed look at this feature.

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