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Viewing your list of tickets
Updated over a month ago

Viewing your list of Tickets

When you login you are presented with the Ticket List View. By default it will show all your active tickets. <link to ticket ownership> <link to ticket status>”

On the left is the ticket number, followed by the revision number of the ticket, Safe to Dig (with icons), the status of the ticket (active, inactive, archived), then information about the Job, Street, Cross Street, Expiration Date of the ticket and the Ticket Manager assigned to that ticket.

Filtering Tickets

Filtering your list of tickets can be achieved with a simple click. When you are in Ticket List view (the default is all your active tickets) there are three ways to filter tickets: by User, Job or Status. Click on the Status Bar and a drop down menu appears showing Active, Active and Closed, Completed, Expired or Cancelled. Select how you wish to filter the tickets and just that list will appear.

In this case Expired tickets was selected and a number of tickets appeared.

New to the ticket status filter is "Active and Closed" status.

If you move to Map View the grey pins indicate tickets that are closed and green, yellow and red pins indicate active tickets.

By zooming in on a job site, or by selecting a specific job in the Job filter, the combined view of Active and Closed tickets can show where work has been completed within a job site relative to other ongoing work.

If you wish to search for a specific ticket, there are a couple of options. First, you can search by Ticket Number by entering the ticket number in to the Search button on the right hand side of the screen. then hit enter. That ticket appears with all the information about it.

A simple search by address or street or cross street will result in any tickets related.

Note: The screen is scaleable - so if you are using a smaller device like a phone or a tablet, the Filter bar (User, Jobs and Status) will collapse. In that case it will look like the following example:

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